With Geocoder library, I can't get "Sub LatLonToPlace (lat As Double, lon As Double)" to run
It seems that the part of the code( between green lines x) is not considered
Which libraries are needed ?
Have I forgotten something?
Thank you
With Geocoder library, I can't get "Sub LatLonToPlace (lat As Double, lon As Double)" to run
It seems that the part of the code( between green lines x) is not considered
Sub LatLonToPlace(lat As Double, lon As Double) 'As ResumableSub
Dim API_KEY As String = "AIzaSyDoxxxxxxxxxxxxxrvu5oPI"
Dim res As String
Dim GetAddressJob As HttpJob
GetAddressJob.Initialize("GetAddress", Me)
GetAddressJob.Download2("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json", Array As String("latlng", lat & "," & lon,"key",API_KEY))
Wait For (GetAddressJob) JobDone(GetAddressJob As HttpJob)
If GetAddressJob.Success Then
Dim jp As JSONParser
Dim m As Map = jp.NextObject
'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx No runs beneath xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If m.Get("status") = "OK" Then
Dim results As List = m.Get("results")
If results.Size > 0 Then
Dim first As Map = results.Get(0)
res = first.Get("formatted_address")
'res contain address string
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Have I forgotten something?
Thank you