Android Question Google Map Polyline


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Hi masters i have a problem in doing polyline in my google map v2

Here is my code for sending request to google map
Dim job As HttpJob
        job.Initialize("RoadPath", Me)
        job.Download(",120.9763476&destination=" & _
            ResLocation.Latitude & "," & ResLocation.Longitude & "&sensor=True")

My code on JobDone
Sub JobDone (Job As HttpJob)
    Log("JobName = " & Job.JobName & ", Success = " & Job.Success)
    If Job.Success = True Then
        Select Job.JobName
            Case "RoadPath"
        End Select
        Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
        ToastMessageShow("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage, True)
    End If
End Sub

And here is my code for getting the latitude and longhitude
I used JSON Tree
Sub JsonTree(StrFile As String)
    Dim PL As Polyline
    PL = gmap.AddPolyline
    PL.Width = 4
    PL.Color = Colors.Blue
    PL.Visible = True
    PL.Geodesic = True
    Dim CoorList As List : CoorList.Initialize
    Dim parser As JSONParser
    Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
    Dim status As String = root.Get("status")
    Dim routes As List = root.Get("routes")
    For Each colroutes As Map In routes
        Dim summary As String = colroutes.Get("summary")
        Dim bounds As Map = colroutes.Get("bounds")
        Dim southwest As Map = bounds.Get("southwest")
        Dim lng As Double = southwest.Get("lng")
        Dim lat As Double = southwest.Get("lat")
        Dim northeast As Map = bounds.Get("northeast")
        Dim lng As Double = northeast.Get("lng")
        Dim lat As Double = northeast.Get("lat")
        Dim copyrights As String = colroutes.Get("copyrights")
        Dim waypoint_order As List = colroutes.Get("waypoint_order")
        Dim legs As List = colroutes.Get("legs")
        For Each collegs As Map In legs
            Dim duration As Map = collegs.Get("duration")
            Dim text As String = duration.Get("text")
            Dim value As Int = duration.Get("value")
            Dim distance As Map = collegs.Get("distance")
            Dim text As String = distance.Get("text")
            Dim value As Int = distance.Get("value")
            Dim end_location As Map = collegs.Get("end_location")
            Dim lng As Double = end_location.Get("lng")
            Dim lat As Double = end_location.Get("lat")
            Dim start_address As String = collegs.Get("start_address")
            Dim end_address As String = collegs.Get("end_address")
            Dim start_location As Map = collegs.Get("start_location")
            Dim lng As Double = start_location.Get("lng")
            Dim lat As Double = start_location.Get("lat")
            Dim via_waypoint As List = collegs.Get("via_waypoint")
            Dim steps As List = collegs.Get("steps")
            For Each colsteps As Map In steps
                Dim html_instructions As String = colsteps.Get("html_instructions")
                Dim duration As Map = colsteps.Get("duration")
                Dim text As String = duration.Get("text")
                Dim value As Int = duration.Get("value")
                Dim distance As Map = colsteps.Get("distance")
                Dim text As String = distance.Get("text")
                Dim value As Int = distance.Get("value")
                Dim start_location As Map = colsteps.Get("start_location")
                Dim lng As Double = start_location.Get("lng")
                Dim lat As Double = start_location.Get("lat")
                Dim Temp As LatLng : Temp.Initialize(lat, lng)
                Log("Start: " & lat & ", " & lng)
                Dim end_location As Map = colsteps.Get("end_location")
                Dim lng As Double = end_location.Get("lng")
                Dim lat As Double = end_location.Get("lat")
                Dim Temp2 As LatLng : Temp2.Initialize(lat, lng)
                Log("End: " & lat & ", " & lng)
                Dim Polyline As Map = colsteps.Get("polyline")
                Dim points As String = Polyline.Get("points")
                Dim travel_mode As String = colsteps.Get("travel_mode")
                Log("Trave Mode: " & travel_mode)
        Dim warnings As List = colroutes.Get("warnings")
        Dim overview_polyline As Map = colroutes.Get("overview_polyline")
        Dim points As String = overview_polyline.Get("points")

    PL.Points = CoorList
End Sub

Note: ResLocation.Latitude and ResLocation.Longhitude is coming for my gps result

And here is the result of my polyline. My Problem is my polyline is not snapping on some road path

Tnx.. I hope some could help me...
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