Google Maps Events


Licensed User
Longtime User
I'm trying to understand the following:

A) I've got an application that is using a webview and webview extras and it shows a google map with markers (code in HtmlCode similar to the in the Google Maps Thread)

B) This app is running fine in android device 2.1/ 2.3.4

C) In android devices with android 4.0.4 (Samsung Galaxy III) no marker event is fired in the Google Map displayed in the webview (no marker click, no drag and drop): only map zoom/move and map click event is working

D) In the android emulator 4.0.3 the app is running fine (and B4A 1.8)

E) In android devices with android 4.0.4 (Samsung Galaxy III) if you are in the maximun zoom in SOMETIMES the marker event is fired in the Google Map displayed in the webview: the success of event firing seems to be related to the value of longitude/latitude (some values always work, some others never work)

F) In android devices with android 4.0.4 (Samsung Galaxy III) if you emulate the code in a HTML page, everything is fine in Chrome Browser and you get the same problem in Android Browser

G) If you run in android 4.0.4
(Samsung Galaxy III) test pages such as (warwound suggestion)


if you drag and drop a marker
- in the Chrome browser (for android) everything is fine
- in the Android browser you get the same problem as described above

H) It looks like that there is an issue (19827) open on that may be related to this problem:

Any suggestion?

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