I get an error message when I use googleMapsExtras to show a mapp with 2 points.
This error only is triggered, when I close the app with the back key and open it again over the task manager.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error using newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds, int): Map size can't be 0. Most likely, layout has not yet occured for the map view. Either wait until layout has occurred or use newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds, int, int, int) which allows you to specify the map's dimensions.
The code is in the map_ready
Using this Code:
This code works fine :
I get an error message when I use googleMapsExtras to show a mapp with 2 points.
This error only is triggered, when I close the app with the back key and open it again over the task manager.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error using newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds, int): Map size can't be 0. Most likely, layout has not yet occured for the map view. Either wait until layout has occurred or use newLatLngBounds(LatLngBounds, int, int, int) which allows you to specify the map's dimensions.
The code is in the map_ready
Using this Code:
If GL_m_lati=0 Or GL_m_longi=0 Or GL_my_lat=0 Or GL_my_longi=0 Then Return
Dim CameraUpdateFactory1 As CameraUpdateFactory
Dim CameraUpdate1 As CameraUpdate
Dim llbounds As LatLngBounds
Dim sw, ne As LatLng
If GL_my_lat>GL_m_lati Then
llbounds.Initialize(ne, sw)
llbounds.Initialize(sw, ne)
End If
If CameraUpdate1.IsInitialized=True And gmap.IsInitialized=True Then
GoogleMapsExtras1.MoveCamera(gmap, CameraUpdate1)
End If
This code works fine :
Dim cp As CameraPosition
cp.Initialize(GL_m_lati,GL_m_longi, 15)