Hi All,
Next dumb question.
I have a googlemap with 2 markers in the code below a marker is selected:
"gmap_MarkerClick (SelectedMarker As Marker)" and then given a new position with:
gmap_Click (Point As LatLng).
The marker(with Icon) appears correctly at the new location but the icon for the marker remains at the original location.
I have tried removing the icon, used the "Visible" true/false option.
I have searched and no one else seems to have this problem, any idea's?
Regards Roger
Next dumb question.
I have a googlemap with 2 markers in the code below a marker is selected:
"gmap_MarkerClick (SelectedMarker As Marker)" and then given a new position with:
gmap_Click (Point As LatLng).
The marker(with Icon) appears correctly at the new location but the icon for the marker remains at the original location.
I have tried removing the icon, used the "Visible" true/false option.
I have searched and no one else seems to have this problem, any idea's?
Sub gmap_MarkerClick (SelectedMarker As Marker)
MarkerFlag = markerMap.Get(SelectedMarker)
Log (MarkerFlag)
End Sub
Sub gmap_Click (Point As LatLng)
If MarkerFlag = 1 Then MarkerName1.position = Point
If MarkerFlag = 2 Then MarkerName2.position = Point
MarkerFlag = 0
End Sub
Regards Roger