Android Question GPS show satellites but no longitude and latitude


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I view and use a GPS DEMO PROYECT from

but, in a house (no street), the app return several satellites, but no lat and lon

i view others app, that return the position in same site (my office/house).
like this:


  • im1.png
    354.1 KB · Views: 336
  • im2.png
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Latitude and longitude are only available if the GPS sensor has got a fix. Having a fix means that your phone can 'see' several satellites (usually more than 4) and that the location is more or less stable. Your log shows satellites but there is no fix and thus no latitude and longitude. You should never test GPS indoors, it's just not reliable because not enough satellites are visible. (I know what I'm talking about because I developed a hiking app and did hundreds of kilometers while testing).
Other apps might use additional information like WiFi networks or cached locations but their GPS signals are not better. All apps rely on the same GPS sensor in the phone.
I don't know the other app but it reports Fixed/All 0/16, that's probably meaning that this app doesn't have a fix either.
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and how i can access to this other thenics: Network, cache, etc?
my custome say me that other app, can show lat and lon (and that is true), and why my app no?

i can't say that the ubication are not correct. Exact location is not very important but he need some aproximate location.
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