GPS Tutorial and Altitude


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I state that I use the emulator, not a physical device.
I realized the Erel's projectl at the tread "GPS Tutorial" (11-14-2010)
With telnet commands :
geo fix 7.03 44.12
I can correctly view these coordinates 7.03 and 44.12 in the emulator.
However I can not see the height in meters above sea level.
The command:
geo fix 07.03 44.12 1200
does not produce any different result. lblAltutude is empty!
I specify that I only added a label with the following 2 lines of code:
Dim lblAltitude As Label [Sub Globals]
lblAltitude.Text = "Altitude = " & Location1.Altitude [Sub GPS_LocationChanged (Location1 As Location)]

Even using a Java Android GPS Simulator of "juanmasp".
Thank you for your attention.
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