Hello all!
Today another application that I would like to share - GPService 2.0
Classically uses a GPS signal to determine your location.
During operation, the information is saved to * .GPX files,
- After getting the exact position (fix accuracy up to 100 meters) you can go
to external application OsmAnd +.
- the last fix is stored in the file (settings.dat)
Today another application that I would like to share - GPService 2.0
Classically uses a GPS signal to determine your location.
During operation, the information is saved to * .GPX files,
- After getting the exact position (fix accuracy up to 100 meters) you can go
to external application OsmAnd +.
- the last fix is stored in the file (settings.dat)
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
UpdateStatus (True, True)
StartServiceAt("", DateTime.Now + 15 * 1000, True) 'will start after 15 seconds.
'S e r v i c e Turning GPS ON
GPS1.Start(0, 0) 'Listen to GPS with no filters.
'_ERROR Notification("E R R O R" & CRLF & LastException.Message)
End Try
End Sub
Sub OsmandPlus
Dim i,a As Intent
Dim Pm As PackageManager
Dim Uri As String
Dim LATs As String = ""
Dim LONs As String = ""
If nLATs.Text.Length > 0 And nLONs.Text.Length > 0 Then
LATs = nLATs.Text.SubString2(2,9)
LONs = nLONs.Text.SubString2(2,9)
i = Pm.GetApplicationIntent("net.osmand.plus") : Uri = "geo:"&LATs&","&LONs&"?z=16"
a.Initialize(i.ACTION_VIEW, Uri)
If a.IsInitialized Then AllowOsmand = True
If AllowOsmand Then '_INFO Notification("S e r v i c e Turning GPS OFF")
AllowOsmand = False
'_WARNING Notification("E R R O R - geo: <none>")
End If
'_ERROR Notification("E R R O R" & CRLF & "Program at the moment he could not be run")
End Try
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
If File.Exists(SavedFilePath, SavedFileName) Then
' restore the saved geolocation
Dim RandomAccessFile1 As RandomAccessFile
RandomAccessFile1.Initialize(SavedFilePath, SavedFileName, True)
LtDouble = RandomAccessFile1.ReadDouble(0)
LgDouble = RandomAccessFile1.ReadDouble(RandomAccessFile1.CurrentPosition)
Accuracy = RandomAccessFile1.ReadDouble(RandomAccessFile1.CurrentPosition)
Languages = RandomAccessFile1.ReadDouble(RandomAccessFile1.CurrentPosition)
End Try
End If
End Sub
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GPService.apk449.8 KB · Views: 361
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