Android Question Hello, I use Clvtree. I want to show the father's name when you press the last son


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Hello, I am using CLVTree. I want to display the father’s name when clicking on the last son

as in the picture
when clicking on item 3
I want to display the names of the highest fathers in a message, for example
i.e. the names of item 1 and item 2 appear

i.e. the names of item 1 and item 2 appear
Based on the screenshot you have posted, the itemclick event should be something like this if you click on titem 3:
Private Sub CustomListView1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
    Dim item As CLVTreeItem = Value    
    Log("Item 3 (son) " & item.Text)  'displays item 3
    Log("Item 2 (father) " & item.Parent.Text)   'displays item 2
    Log("Item 1 (grand father) " & item.Parent.Parent.text)   'displays item 1
End Sub
However, if you want to be able to click on any level, not just 3 to avoid a crash, you need to involve the Item.tag. to differentiate between the levels If you need help with that, come back.


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clvTree uses custom type called CLVTreeItem which has a parameter "Parent" which returns yet another clvTreeItem which is its parent.
You can easily backtrack using the same until you reach the root of hierarchy (meaning no more parent available).
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i.e. the names of item 1 and item 2 appear
Based on the screenshot you have posted, the itemclick event should be something like this if you click on titem 3:
Private Sub CustomListView1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
    Dim item As CLVTreeItem = Value    
    Log("Item 3 (son) " & item.Text)  'displays item 3
    Log("Item 2 (father) " & item.Parent.Text)   'displays item 2
    Log("Item 1 (grand father) " & item.Parent.Parent.text)   'displays item 1
End Sub
However, if you want to be able to click on any level, not just 3 to avoid a crash, you need to involve the Item.tag. to differentiate between the levels If you need help with that, come back.
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Based on the screenshot you have posted, the itemclick event should be something like this if you click on titem 3:
Private Sub CustomListView1_ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
    Dim item As CLVTreeItem = Value   
    Log("Item 3 (son) " & item.Text)  'displays item 3
    Log("Item 2 (father) " & item.Parent.Text)   'displays item 2
    Log("Item 1 (grand father) " & item.Parent.Parent.text)   'displays item 1
End Sub
However, if you want to be able to click on any level, not just 3 to avoid a crash, you need to involve the Item.tag. to differentiate between the levels If you need help with that, come back.
Thank you
I can do with the code what I want now
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