i have just updated to 6.5 and not used the module facility yet but i thought
( and i have been known to be wrong !!) that the module was loaded whilst compileing/ running the project or have i missed something
please forgive my ignorance and once again thank you
The code files (.txt) work that way, but the modules do not...
Modules can be looked as a seperate code file, that can be edited and accessed by our current project...
For example....
Erel had a a sample called "folder chooser" wich was a way to browse and chose a folder in oposition to a single file...And needed some tweaking to add to OUR projects...
In 6.5, Erel has made a MODULE of his folder chooser, wich can be easely tapped into, using the PUBLIC subs made available in it, and using the Module Globals...
One can look at a module as a series of BOT's that we use frequently, or just once...
Then from our current project we add these bots, and tell them what we wish them to do, acording to their capabilities...