Help with HTML panel


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I found the HTML panel library and it seems exact to upgrade my chat program, but...
I don't understand the HTML language and the help file just adds to my confusion.

Can someone tell me how to do the following:

write a string on the panel, each separate string in one of few predefined formats (e.g. - font size and text color).

The strings are created in real time so I cannot use preset HTML files for them.

As strings are written, the panel should scroll down to show the last string written.



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thank you for the elaborated explanation and example.
I'll study it.:)

The code is what I took from the example, to demonstrate what I wanted.
It still lacks the automatic scroll down after each input - I can't do it.
the form has a textbox and a button.

Sub Globals
   Dim myPageText
   k = 1
End Sub

Sub App_Start
   HtmlPanel.New1("Form1", 0, 0,220,200)
   HtmlPanel.ButtonColor = cWhite
   HtmlPanel.ScrollBarWidth = 10
   HtmlPanel.RenderWidth = 210
End Sub

Sub Button1_Click
k = -1 * k
st =  tb.Text
If k = 1 Then
   myPageText = myPageText & "<font color='red'>" & st & "</font><br />"
    myPageText = myPageText & "<font color='green'>" & st & "</font><br />"
End If
HtmlPanel.ShowHtml ("<html><body>" & myPageText & "</body></html>")
tb.Text = ""
End Sub
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Longtime User
Thanks Andrew, it works now.

The problem was the missing +1 at the end, see the help:

"VScrollValue : Int32 [I/O] : Gets or sets the position of the vertical scrollbar. The minimum to use is 0 and the maximum is VScrollMax - VScrollLargeChange otherwise the underlying Panel will become visible."


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The problem was the missing +1 at the end
I'm surprised, the +1 is a nicety that avoids a final 1 pixel movement of the the panel if you press the scroll bar down button. The difference is hardly visible so it should have scrolled to the bottom without it :confused:


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If I remove the +1 I get this error.


  • html.jpg
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I used the panel in the Chat program, here are screen views of the way text is formatted according to the message source.
Also - I attach a sub to show how I change the color of the last line (I do it to signal the reception of the message by the other side)

both last and myPageText are globals.

Sub write_line(st,source)
Select source 
    Case "R"   ' Remote message
       last = "<font color='blue' size='12'>" & st & "</font><br />"
      myPageText = myPageText & last
   Case "L"   ' Local message
       st = StrReplace(st,Chr(0),"")  'remove hebrew device control charachter 
       last = "<font color='black' size='10'> " & st & "</font><br />"
      myPageText = myPageText & last
   Case "M"    ' Machine message
       last = "<font color='red' size='12'>" & st & "</font><br />"
      myPageText = myPageText & last
End Select
HtmlPanel.ShowHtml ("<html><body>" & myPageText & "</body></html>")
HtmlPanel.VScrollValue = HtmlPanel.VScrollMax - HtmlPanel.VScrollLargeChange + 1
End Sub

Sub change_color
myPageText = StrReplace(myPageText,last,"")
last = StrReplace(last,"color='black'","color='green'")
myPageText = myPageText  & last
HtmlPanel.ShowHtml ("<html><body>" & myPageText & "</body></html>")
End Sub

Thanks to Badkarma and Agraham :)


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It comes as part of the Hebrew language package which is installed on my device.