Android Question Help With Jackcess FindFirstRowByEntry


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I can get FindClosestRowByEntry to work fine but FindFirstRowByEntry will not find anything.

Dim Access AsJackcessDatabase, Cur AsJackcessIndexCursor, Ind AsJackcessIndex, Tbl AsJackcessTable
Dim Found AsBoolean, Test AsString, IndVals(2) AsObject, Test2 AsString
Access.Open(File.DirInternal & "/PartsAndTime.accde")
Cur.Initialize(Tbl.GetTable, Ind.GetIndex)
Found = Cur.FindFirstRowByEntry (IndVals) 'DOES NOT WORK
Cur.FindClosestRowByEntry(IndVals  'WORKS

Here is some of the data:

Here are my access indexes:

FindClosestRowByEntry leaves me right at Os_JobNum='8862' AND Os_ReleaseNum=2

FindFirstRowByEntry does not return a row.

Any help is appreciated.


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For those playing around with Jackcess: Ultimately, for my needs, which are not horribly complex, I still found it simpler to just port my data to SQLite and then use it. Because of the overhead of an Access DB I also decided to bring the data in as raw text using my own Table/Record/Field separators. I used the VBA Print method to print the data to a file copy it to my Android, and use the incredible Regex.Split to parse the data back out and then insert it in to my SQLite tables. I can copy and recreate about 1500 records 150k data in under 2 seconds with a good Wireless connection.

In case it might be helpful to someone else I have posted a portion of the code below:
This is not all that is need to make this work.
I use the SMB lib to transfer the file.

In Access:

TableSep = "!T&B%L!"
RecordSep = "!R&E%C!"
FieldSep = "!F&L%D!"
Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset("SELECT Emp_Num, Emp_FirstName, Emp_LastName, Emp_AllowEdits, Emp_Rate FROM Employees WHERE (Emp_Inactive=False);", dbOpenSnapshot)
FNum = FreeFile
Open TablePath & "PartsAndTimeTemp" For Output As #FNum
'Print #FNum, TableSep;
With RS
    If .RecordCount > 0 Then
        Do While Not .EOF
            Print #FNum, ![Emp_Num] & FieldSep & ![Emp_FirstName] & FieldSep & ![Emp_LastName] & FieldSep & IIf(![Emp_AllowEdits], -1, 0) & FieldSep & ![Emp_Rate] & FieldSep & RecordSep;
        Print #FNum, RecordSep & FieldSep & "NoData" & FieldSep;
    End If
End With
Print #FNum, TableSep;

In B4A:

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
    'Dim  ObscureSeperator = "%~#&@#!%"
    'Dim Obscure2 = "&" &  "%~#&@#!%" & "&"
    Dim TableSep As String    :  TableSep = "!T&B%L!"  'SPECIAL CHARACTERS DO NOT USE!  \ ^ ${ } [ ] ( ) . + ? | - &
    Dim RecordSep As String  :  RecordSep = "!R&E%C!"  '  \ is the escape char and the char after it is the literal
    Dim FieldSep As String    :  FieldSep = "!F&L%D!"
End Sub
Sub GetData_Click
Dim Tbls() As String, Rec() As String, fld() As String, RecX As Int, TblX As Long, FldX As Long, Ftxt As String, Test As Long
    Ftxt=File.ReadString( File.DirInternal, FileToGet.text)
    If Main.SQL1.IsInitialized = False Then Main.SQL1.Initialize(File.DirInternal, "PartsAndTime.db", False)
     Main.SQL1.ExecNonQuery("DELETE FROM EmpInfoLookups;")
     Tbls=Regex.Split(TableSep, Ftxt)
            For RecX = 0 To Rec.Length - 1
                Main.SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO EmpInfoLookups  VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",  Array As Object(fld(0), fld(1), fld(2), fld(3), fld(4) ) )
        Dim Cur As Cursor
        Cur = Main.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM EmpInfoLookups;")
        For FldX=0 To 4
            Log(Cur.GetColumnName(FldX) & " = " & Cur.GetString(Cur.GetColumnName(FldX)))
End Sub

This is the Text file I used to create the SQLite DB:
Note I found it very easy to install and use SQLite in windows, then copy the DB to my android. Tip: Copy SQLite3.exe to whatever folder you are working in. You can skip copying long paths.

DROP TABLE EmpInfoLookups;
CREATE TABLE EmpInfoLookups (Emp_Num TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Emp_FirstName TEXT, Emp_LastName TEXT, Emp_AllowEdits INT, Emp_Rate TEXT);
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