Java Question Hex to String?


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Longtime User
This is the JSON file I am working with:

{"content": { "btitle":"Bob" "author":"Robert" "publisher":"sdfsdf" "other":"dsfsdf" "chapters":"1"
"chapter0": {

"chapter1": {

I can parse thru all the information and add the chapters to an list. I also put all the chapter contents into an array of strings and use the list index to show the contents in a web control. Can anyone tell me how to convert the hex in the contents property to a normal string?? I tried the bit.hex function but returns an error. Do I need to parse thru the string one at a time to get a result?


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Longtime User
The "content" of content looks like it is ASCII coded characters. In that case using my ByteConverter library.

   Dim content As String
   Dim bconv As ByteConverter
   Dim barray(0) As Byte
   content = "3C666F6E7420666163653D275365676F65205549272073697A653D2732273E6E646B6A666E6A736B646E667A7364662073646A666E6A736B646673643C2F666F6E743E"
   barray = bconv.HexToBytes(content)
   content = bconv.StringFromBytes(barray, "ASCII")
   Msgbox(content, "Content")
If they are another encoding, maybe UTF8 then use that in StringFromBytes. The strings for supported encodings can be obtained from bconv.SupportedEncodings.


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Longtime User
THANK YOU! I forgot about your library :( I downloaded it before just never got around to installing it. Best of wishes!:)

Felix Maria

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Agraham,
Hats off to your wonderful ByteConverter Library. It made my coding very simple reading from a bluetooth RFID card reader.

The Hex Output from the lib is "AAFF40000C36F375" .
It should be converted to string with the value of "0000800499" which is the actual value
from the card.
I tried using all the methods but invain.
Which method of the lib would do so?

Please advice!

In Dotnet the following code does the job
        private void condec(string hd )
            String hexString = hd;
            hexString = hexString.Replace(" ", "");
            hexString = hexString.Substring(6, 8);
            String result = "" + Convert.ToInt64(hexString, 16);
            while (result.Length < 10)
                result = "0" + result;
            MessageBox.Show( result);

what is the equivalent of Convert.ToInt64(hexString, 16) ?

Thank You.
