Hide Keyboard Question


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I have two EditText views. When the first one gets focus, a list is displayed and the selected item is placed in the EditText field. I have set the input type of this first EditText view to NONE so the keyboard remains hidden.

When the second EditText view (its input type is set to NUMBER) gets focus, the numeric keybaord is displayed and the user can enter a number. Assuming that Enter is not pressed, the user can change focus back to the first EditText, but the keyboard is still displayed and changes to alpha. So now both the keyboard and the list are displayed.

Is there a way to hide/remove the keyboard or force a Enter keypress in code if the user changes focus without pressing Enter?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Include the Phone Library

Sub Process_Globals
   Dim p As Phone   

end sub

'Then when required      

Cheers mj
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