Home Automation with B4A/B4J using TinkerForge


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Hi All,

TinkerForge (www.tinkerforge.com) offers Bricks and Bricklets which enables for example home automation.
The software and hardware is open source. A variety of APIs are offered including Java, JaveScript etc.
The bricks are connected via USD, but also via WLAN.
My goal is to control TinkerForge Bricks/Bricklets via B4A, but also B4J as a WebApp.

Developed solution "rSwitchIt" (using Raspberry Pi as a Server).
Information: http://www.rwblinn.de/142k1t41.htm
Download: http://www.rwblinn.de/b4j/opensource/rswitchit.zip
Note: For detailed infos, read readme.txt and the sources.

EDIT 20140609:
: Working solution for 5 devices.

Thank You,
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Hi All,

work in progress o_O ... see post #1
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Hi All,

developed an opensource B4J Webserver solution to switch 5 devices ... see post #1.
Some more work to do, but this is good for a start ... and makes fun :)



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Hi rwblinn,

I visited your website and will definitely visit it again. impressive!
Do you think it would be easier for builders if the blocks interface was RS485, instead of USB?
because serial interface has the ability to communicate with other devices (beside PCs) while
USB is mostly for PCs only. If for example I want to build a weather station in remote area, then
I can use the humidity, wind speed and other sensors, short the "A"s together and the "B's together
and connect them to a data xceiver radio.
what do you think?


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Hi Beja,

thanks for your feedback. Appreciated and encouraging.

Regarding your question USB vs Serial: you are right. See here for the RS485 TinkerForge Bricklet.

BTW: my next project (after the Remote Switch project shared) is also a Weather Station with TinkerForge Bricklets connected via WiFi to a B4J Webserver on (again) a Raspberry Pi ... and accessible via jQuery Mobile (HTML5) with Google Charts.


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BTW: my next project (after the Remote Switch project shared) is also a Weather Station with TinkerForge Bricklets connected via WiFi

Hay.. I want one!
For a long time I have been looking for integrated weather station. so now I guess what you are planning is compact system with 100% compatible components..
My wish is that your system will comprise Wind speed, Rainfall, RH and Temperature. And if possible a generic ET (evapo-transpiration) that can be applied to any part of the world with the need of modification.