Hi All,
TinkerForge (www.tinkerforge.com) offers Bricks and Bricklets which enables for example home automation.
The software and hardware is open source. A variety of APIs are offered including Java, JaveScript etc.
The bricks are connected via USD, but also via WLAN.
My goal is to control TinkerForge Bricks/Bricklets via B4A, but also B4J as a WebApp.
Developed solution "rSwitchIt" (using Raspberry Pi as a Server).
Information: http://www.rwblinn.de/142k1t41.htm
Download: http://www.rwblinn.de/b4j/opensource/rswitchit.zip
Note: For detailed infos, read readme.txt and the sources.
EDIT 20140609:
New: Working solution for 5 devices.
Thank You,
TinkerForge (www.tinkerforge.com) offers Bricks and Bricklets which enables for example home automation.
The software and hardware is open source. A variety of APIs are offered including Java, JaveScript etc.
The bricks are connected via USD, but also via WLAN.
My goal is to control TinkerForge Bricks/Bricklets via B4A, but also B4J as a WebApp.
Developed solution "rSwitchIt" (using Raspberry Pi as a Server).
Information: http://www.rwblinn.de/142k1t41.htm
Download: http://www.rwblinn.de/b4j/opensource/rswitchit.zip
Note: For detailed infos, read readme.txt and the sources.
EDIT 20140609:
New: Working solution for 5 devices.
Thank You,
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