How Can I Get Executables in Symbian?


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Hello. I am new in the forum.

I bought BasicPPC (Version 3.0) in 2006 and recently I bought version 6.80.01. I think is the perfect tool for mobile programming.

I am trying to develop a program to use with smartphones.

With PDAs I dont have any problem. All files (*.EXE and *.CAB) works perfect.

When I try to install a very simple program (tipical "Hello World") in my phone Nokia E71 (works with SYMBIAN) the phone asks me for files *.SIS or *.SISX or *.JAR or *.N-GAGE or *. WGZ instead of *.EXE.

Is it possible create those types of files ?

Is It possible install my simple program (*.EXE) in phones with Symbian?

Thanks and excuse my english.

[email protected]


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