B4R Question How can I pass this code to B4R?

Johan Hormaza

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
How can I pass this code to B4R? It involves calculating the revolutions per minute of an engine with the HALL effect sensor
this is code:

volatile int rpmcount = 0;
int rpm = 0;
unsigned long lastmillis = 0;

void setup(){
attachInterrupt(0, rpm_fan, FALLING);//interrupt cero (0) is on pin two(2).

void loop(){

if (millis() - lastmillis == 1000){ /*Uptade every one second, this will be equal to reading frecuency (Hz).*/

detachInterrupt(0); //Disable interrupt when calculating

rpm = rpmcount * 60; /* Convert frecuency to RPM, note: this works for one interruption per full rotation. For two interrups per full rotation use rpmcount * 30.*/

Serial.print("RPM =\t"); //print the word "RPM" and tab.
Serial.print(rpm); // print the rpm value.
Serial.print("\t Hz=\t"); //print the word "Hz".
Serial.println(rpmcount); /*print revolutions per second or Hz. And print new line or enter.*/

rpmcount = 0; // Restart the RPM counter
lastmillis = millis(); // Uptade lasmillis
attachInterrupt(0, rpm_fan, FALLING); //enable interrupt

void rpm_fan(){ /* this code will be executed every time the interrupt 0 (pin2) gets low.*/

Johan Hormaza

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I did it this way which works excellent !!!

Sub Process_Globals
    Public Serial1 As Serial
    Private HallSensor As Int = 2
    Private sampleTimer As ULong = 500
    'Private maxRPM As Int = 8000
    Private rpmMaximum As Int = 0
    Private pinRPM As Pin   
End Sub

Private Sub AppStart
    pinRPM.Initialize(HallSensor, pinRPM.MODE_INPUT)
End Sub
Sub Looper1
    Dim rpm As Int = getRPM
    If  rpm > rpmMaximum Then rpmMaximum = rpm
End Sub

Sub getRPM As Int
    Dim count As Int = 0
    Dim countFlag As Boolean = False
    Dim currentTime As ULong = 0
    Dim  startTime As ULong = Millis
    Do While currentTime < = sampleTimer
        If pinRPM.DigitalRead = True Then
            countFlag = True
        End If
        If pinRPM.DigitalRead = False And countFlag = True Then
            count = count + 1
            countFlag = False
        End If
        currentTime = Millis - startTime
    Dim countRPM As Int = (60000 / sampleTimer) * count
    Return countRPM
End Sub

Sub displayRPM( rpm As Int)
    Log("RPM: ",rpm,"  MAX RPM: ", rpmMaximum)
End Sub

This log

RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 0
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 0
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 0
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 0
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 0
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 0
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 0
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 0
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 0
RPM: 960  MAX RPM: 960
RPM: 1920  MAX RPM: 1920
RPM: 2280  MAX RPM: 2280
RPM: 2280  MAX RPM: 2280
RPM: 2280  MAX RPM: 2280
RPM: 2400  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2400  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2400  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2400  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 1920  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2160  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2400  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2400  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2280  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2400  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2400  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2400  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2400  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 2040  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 1440  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 960  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 720  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 360  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 120  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 2400
RPM: 0  MAX RPM: 2400
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