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I've been mucking about with routing aka Travelling Salesman Problem (and, for me, aka procrastination). When I started to deal with larger numbers of stops, I thought, heck, that looks like a maze. And I thought it through and realized it is indeed a solvable maze. So, for any parents who have homebound primary school age kids that you're trying to get some peace from: I added a starting point (top centre) and target point (lower right) and if you give your child a pencil and a maze and put a lolly in the target circle... who knows?... today your dream of getting some of your own work done could come true.

I'm sure there are websites that generate mazes too, but I'd like to think that the target point designed specifically for child bribery is an original idea. Like with the coffee table I made years ago that is was the size of the local newspaper plus space for a cup of tea. Spewin' that the newspaper later changed size from broadsheet to tabloid. Still, could have been worse. 🙃

(pdf attached has routes/mazes from 1000 to 7000 stops)

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