I have added a series of points to a Scatterchart using Adddata:
Usually, I remove that series prior to adding a new series of points to avoid filling up the memory space:
Occasionally, however, I wish to keep a series of plotted points to compare with a previous series.
This I do by once omitting the "remove" method. That preserves a previous plotted series and a new series of plotted additionally.
However, when the screen has been messed up by repeatedly omitting the "remove" method, how to clear the Chart, i.e. remove also the "old" data points?
For j=3 To steps-2
AddData(GetdataMaxr, j*stepp, maxr_array(j,0))
GetdataMaxr.RunMethod("remove",Array As Object(SeriesJO))
This I do by once omitting the "remove" method. That preserves a previous plotted series and a new series of plotted additionally.
However, when the screen has been messed up by repeatedly omitting the "remove" method, how to clear the Chart, i.e. remove also the "old" data points?