I have an app made up of some services (mqtt, ftp, gps, http, sms..), some forms and some code modules
I would like to allow the operator, when desired, to shut down app operation completely to save precious battery energy
I tried various systems but 'something' always remains in memory and I keep seeing the small notification at the top left
Only from the operating system and by forcing the closure the app shuts down permanently
The question is: from b4A code inside the app, how to turn it off completely (activity+modules+services)?
I would like to allow the operator, when desired, to shut down app operation completely to save precious battery energy
I tried various systems but 'something' always remains in memory and I keep seeing the small notification at the top left
Dim jo As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("finishAffinity", Null)
Dim jo As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("finishAffinity", Null)
Only from the operating system and by forcing the closure the app shuts down permanently
The question is: from b4A code inside the app, how to turn it off completely (activity+modules+services)?