B4J Question How to create a b4jbridge.jar from b4j project source


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How to create a b4jbridge.jar from b4j source project without b4jbridge running

Peter Simpson

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Just run the project in release mode, then go to the projects folder > objects folder and the .jar file will be in there @Markos...
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Thanks buddy I feel foolish for not seeing that option been so long I had to mess with that in b4a or b4i not b4j forced me to look at that aspect.

For some strange reason after closing down b4j and opening back up everything started working properly bot B4jPackager using b4j as well as the command prompt.

I have one last question, when I compile b4j apps is it preferred I use java11 sdk or the (jdk1.8_*) for javac.exe configuration path
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Peter Simpson

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Java 11.x or Java 8.x, it's up to you. The preferred option is 11 as you can then use packer11 with it.

I personally switch from one to another, but there's a logical reason for that which I won't get into on here @Markos
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Thanks for clarifying that nagging question if both will work but now you peaked my interest as there is some pros/cons between the two that may be beneficial to me down the road I suspect. I will not change the scope of this thread I will open it up to the general audience.

thanks again
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