After seeing a qustion in B4A asking how to 'insert' a class at runtime I thought I would post an example.
Uses JavaObject
I just use GraalVm as I like the native-image support.
The class can be on local machine or on a server. (file:/// or https://)
Uses JavaObject
I just use GraalVm as I like the native-image support.
The class can be on local machine or on a server. (file:/// or https://)
'Non-UI application (console / server application)
#Region Project Attributes
#MergeLibraries: True
#JavaCompilerPath: 22, D:/graalvm-comm-openjdk-22/bin/javac.exe
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Dim myNewClass As Object 'ignore
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
myNewClass ="loadTheClass",Array(Me,"org.dynamic.DynamicClass","file:///C:\SimpleLibraryCompiler\DynamicClass\bin\classes\"))
'direct calls
'"call",Array(myNewClass,"say1","Hello there world!"))
'Log("call",Array(myNewClass,"say2","Hello there world! ")))
'calls via subs
say1("Hello world!")
Log(say2("Hello world! "))
End Sub
Sub say1(message As String)"call",Array(myNewClass,"say1",message))
End Sub
Sub say2(message As String) As String
End Sub
#if java
import java.lang.reflect.*;
public static Object loadTheClass(Class c,String className, String path) throws Exception {
// url for the class path to look in
URL url = new URL(path);
//get the app class loader
ClassLoader parent = c.getClassLoader();
//create a url class loader with app class loader as parent
URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[]{url}, parent);
// load the class
Class<?> MyClass = classLoader.loadClass(className);
// object to hold reference as MyClass cannot be directly used
Object o = MyClass.newInstance();
return o;
// call the method in the object - you need to know the name and params and what to expect to get back
public static Object call(Object c,String methodName, Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException , IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException{
return c.getClass().getMethod(methodName,arg.getClass()).invoke(c,arg);
#End If
' DynamicClass was compiled with SLC /bin/classes holds the compiled class
'package org.dynamic;
'public class DynamicClass {
' public DynamicClass(){}
' public void say1(String s){
' System.out.println(s);
' }
' public String say2(String s){
' Return s + "message from class";
' }
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