Here is what I am doing:
I fill the Spinner with text fields from a table.
A string variable is set to one of the same values that the spinner is filled with.
Then I want the spinner to show the value of the string variable.
I must not be understanding something basic here.
Sub BuildSpinnerList
Dim Cur As Cursor
Spinner1.Add("job status list")
Cur = Main.SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM " & Main.StatusTableName & " ORDER BY Status ASC" )
For i = 0 To Cur.RowCount - 1
Cur.Position = i
End Sub
Let's say one of the values that was added to the spinner was "xyz"
Now I set the string variable JobStatus = "xyz"
As soon as I set JobStatus to "xyz" I want the spinner to show "xyz" - preselected, so to speak.