Android Question how to refresh badger count


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Please help how can i refesh the badger to show the current true counts after a record has been removed from my table without closing and opening my app

Dim intCount As Int
        intCount = Starter.SQL1.ExecQuerySingleResult("SELECT count(Id) as Id FROM SMSlist")
        If intCount > 0 Then
            Dim ms As Int = intCount
            Dim ms As Int = 0
        End If
        badger1.SetBadge(btnSend, ms)


Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Your code looks correct. What happens when you run it?
i wanted the badger to show current count after the deletion from the table has occurred not waiting for me to close the app and then re initialize again (Like a refresh or requery similar to the one used in ms access forms
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