Android Question How to remove item at position from array ?


Hi all,
I want to remove item at position from array, for example:
Dim a() As String = Array As String("abc","de","fgh")
Now item at position 1 will be removed, I want to get:
How to do this? Thanks.

William Lancee

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If you want to keep it as an Array, you could...

'    Dim a() As String = Array As String("abc","de","fgh")
'    a = StrArrayRemoveAt(a, 0)
'    Log(a.Length & TAB & a(0) & TAB & a(1))  'Log: 2    de    fgh
Private Sub StrArrayRemoveAt(a() As String, index As Int) As String()
    Dim result(a.Length - 1) As String
    Dim cnt As Int
    For i = 0 To a.Length - 1
        If i = index Then Continue
        result(cnt) = a(i)
        cnt = cnt + 1
    Return result
End Sub
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