How to Start control the Home's Electric Equipments?


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Hi all,
I read the news about programming which controls the Home's Electric Equipments. I'm interested in,but I don't know more about this. Someone who have experience,please to help me.
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It is probably no so hard a task. The equipment would need bluetooth or embedded WiFi for you to control it. For example there is Homeseer HomeSeer Application Guide that will do all that by smartphone or tablet.
This will give you an idea what is involved in setting up a home automation system.

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more information...
do you want to design the complete system, including the hardware, or just want to write the UI for android to send commands to off-the-shelf controllers with embedded bluetooth interface? if the latter then I would suggest that you use Ian's BTInterface instead of re-inventing the wheel.
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Many Thank all of answers both
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I was looking at doing the same with the WeMo.

Looking on YouTube someone has worked out how to send commands to the switch by TCP/IP and it sends XML files commands to turn on/off the unit.

This video might help you out to control the unit:
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Home Automation

Hi there, you can actually do this a few different ways, the way i do it at home, is through a bluetooth Module I bought from SparkFun Electronics, is the RN-42 module, i built a board with an Atmega168 µController which i programmed to receive the data received on the Bluetooth Module from my basic4android application.
At the moment i can control the lights in my house, i have a motor that controls the blinds on my windows, and i'm working on adding a few more things to it, such as temperature sensors, and sensors on my doors and windows to monitor my house when i'm not in the house.

If you need any help just let me know i love doing this kind of projects and i will be try to help you out as much as i can!

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Easy or not

Dear Theera
I do it : Android (B4A program) - Wifi - NetGrear router - SmartHome Controller - Transmitter 315 Mhz - electric appliances

Today, I can control the power of whole electric appliances in my home
My SmartHome controller can be control 256 electric devices with wireless range 1 km
If you have dyndns account, you can control your appliances over 3G

If you know electronic, you can DIY
If you like Smarthome , you will contact me : [email protected]
I will provide schema & circuit even pcb of my system to you
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Hi Thuong,
Thank you for your infomations,I only study programming.
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i built a board with an Atmega168 µController which i programmed to receive the data received on the Bluetooth Module from my basic4android application.

Dear Beja
first time, I do it same your idea. I use Bluetooth module connect to microcontroller, then write B4A app send command via Bluetooth.
But, I had a big problem: is every time I control my light , I must connect bluetooth to device, then press button ON or OFF. 15 seconds for BT connect and 5 seconds to press button.whereas, Bt range is 10m

Today, I build ENC28J60 + microcontroller, receives UDP protocol command via my home network, my router has Wifi.
My phone can be control via wifi ( with long range depend on antenna) send command to ENC28J60 + microcontroller

Best regard,
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We do different way, PLC is common thing, example using PLC OMRON, using communication RS232 and connecting to Ethernet with converter than we give command in C command mode, like this
@00WR00100000 = it means CPU node 00 , WR = Write Relay , 0010 relai number 0010 , 0000 mean all bit turn off from 00 to 15, if we want to turn on 10.00 just send command @00WR00100001 or we want to turn off 10.00 just send command @00WR00100000
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