B4J Question How to start MS Edge from jShell [SOLVED]


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Anyone know how to format the command to start MS Edge from jShell?

I've tried all the ways I can think of, but shell complains as its not an exe file.

To start it from the command line is easy
start microsoft-edge:http//.....

but shell doesn't seem to like the start parameter.

I found a way round it but it's not elegant, I had to create a .bat file and from shell run "cmd.exe" and pass the parameter to Edge inside the .bat file.


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Oopps -- Forgot to start first CMD.exe ...

Can you test why this doen't work ?

From CMD line this works:

start "Title" chrome C:\Mnu.pdf

From B4J this doesn't work:

    Dim strtmp as String

    strtmp=$"start "Title" chrome "$
    Log (strtmp)

    jshell1.Initialize ("Ev_jshell",strtmp,Array As String ("file:///C:/Mnu.pdf"))
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