How to Thai's Karaoke Langauge


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Hi all,
I need to create db(dictionary) for Thaiword and Thai's Karaoke in order to traslate Thaiword to Thai's Karaoke. My example are
If my dictionary are
Thaiword is "อ" ,Thai's Karaoke is "-"
Thaiword is "เอาะ" ,Thai's Karaoke is "-oh"
Thaiword is "ออ" ,Thai's Karaoke is "-aw"
Thaiword is "ก" ,Thai's Karaoke is "K"
Thaiword is "จ" ,Thai's Karaoke is "J"
Thaiword is "พ" ,Thai's Karaoke is "P"
Thaiword is "ย" ,Thai's Karaoke is "Y"

1) Thaiword is "เกาะ" then Thai's Karaoke is "Koh" as same as
2) Thaiword is "เจาะ" then Thai's Karaoke is "Joh"
and another example is
1) Thaiword is "พ่อ" then Thai's Karaoke is "Paw" as same as
2) Thaiword is "ย่อ" then Thai's Karaoke is "Yaw"

How to create programing my this problem?

Best Regards


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You need to look at parse trees (also called syntax trees) something I would guess Erel is very familiar with as it's used in compilers and translators. It's also used in translating one language to another (both natural and programming languages) which is effectively what you want to do.
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Explain Addition

My Thai Language can not use Erel's TTS Library directly.I must use Thaibreaker the first step for split space between Thaiwords, and then instead of Thaiword with Thai's Karaoke again,and using Erel's TTS again.
P.S. my dictionary is

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Syntax trees for translate

Hi all,
Who can know about syntax trees?,Please give me a example.

Best Regards
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Thai Language TTS

Hi all,
The first time,I must thank you,Erel and Jost aus Soest for using his modules. I think my way is not clever for do,but it's my the first step to do this. If someone have a good idea,please guide to me.

Best Regards
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You didn't say in your original post this was for TTS. IMO you will not get this to work very well. Thai is a tonal language and English isn't. The inflections will be all wrong.
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Don't understand you

You didn't say in your original post this was for TTS. IMO you will not get this to work very well. Thai is a tonal language and English isn't. The inflections will be all wrong.

Hi KeirS,
Thank you for resposed to me. I'm understand what do you said,because I'm not good at English. Please explained me to clearly.
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I think KeirS wanted to say that :

Thai, like Chinese and Vietnamese, is a tonal language meaning that the same word can have a completely different meaning depending on it is pronounced. In total, there are 5 tones: Mid tone, high tone, low tone, rising tone and falling tone. A common example of the difficulty of tones in Thai is the word mai, whose meanings include "wood", "not", "silk", "burn", and "new" depending on what tone is used to pronounce it.

source: The Thai Language

In view of above, it might be difficult doing what you want with TTS.

Hi KeirS,
Thank you for resposed to me. I'm understand what do you said,because I'm not good at English. Please explained me to clearly.
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Thai pronouncation

Thank you for kind of you,moster67,KeirS.
I think so ,but I have no idea about Thai pronouncation. I try to search many websites. I can split to groups belows.
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Hi moster67 and KeirS,

Is there way I use mp3 file instead of Thaiword ? I just download Nectec's lexitron dictionary and found mp3 Files. I cut only mp3 Files as zip file.

Best Regards
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