Android Code Snippet How to use gps as a service

This is a sample project for using GPS in a service Module


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Thanks Reviewnow.
Downloaded it.. will try it later.


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How can I stop the service from coming each time I open the mobile? Anyway other than modifying the code and install it again?


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in Activity_Create
Comment out this line
the menu items can start and stop the service also

arnold steger

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when gps.start are called indoor then make any DateTime.TicksPerMinute a call of gps.gps notifice remain visible fixed.
when going outdoor and finde a gpssignal then listen any second or more the coordinate.
gps notifice remain visible fixed.
then is`nt posible to stopped gps.
I have tested in debugmode for check in run how is the point.
how can resolve this?
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Longtime User
Hi Reviewnow,
I have couple of questions:
1- So this is kind of combination of a service and an activity, right?
2- In activity geoinformation page, gpslat: is repeated towice.. is the last one supposed to be gpsSpeed?
3- the word iGPS confuses because it looks like iPhone library.


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hi all i know ti is been some time sice the last posy but this example is what i was loong for to help me understand services.
i would like to ask if
  If count >15 Then
acts like an interval? i am looking to store lon and lat data every minute not continusly as it does now.
can anybody gie me a hit on this using this example