Android Question HTTPJOB and Random crashes


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Hi all,
my app is suffering from semi-random crashes caused by HTTPJOBS and i can't understand how to get out from the trouble

The codes that i use is like this one:

Sub Process_Globals
Dim Pippo As HttpJob
End Sub

Sub Pippo_Sub
    Dim Pippo As HttpJob
    Pippo.PostString("https://xxxxx/test.php", "val1=" & val1 & "&val2=" & val2 & "&val3=" & val3)
End Sub

Sub JobDone (Job As HttpJob)
If Job.JobName="Pippo" Then
   If Job.Success = True Then
      Dim result As String
      result = Pippo.GetString
    End if
End If
End Sub

The Sub called Pippo_Sub is called multiple times by other portions of code so i followed advices on this forum to use "Dim Pippo" everythime i use the httpjob.
And also i removed (temporary) the instruction Pippo.Release

Everything works almost correctly but in some semi-random situations the app crashes with the error:
java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: /data/user/0/ open failed: EISDIR (Is a directory)

With Semi-Random i mean that if i do some quick operations that probably call the Pippo_sub rapidly the app crashes always. If i do the same operation slowly everything works perfectly.

So is there an advice on how to use and reuse the same httpjob quickly without crashing the app?

Thanks in advance!


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You should start removing Pippo from process_globals
Job.Release MUST be called when a job is done

What do you mean with "some quick operations"?
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The Pippo_sub is called by clicking a button, so with "quick operations" i mean that i click the button twice in less than a second, for example.

As you suggested i removed declarations from process_globals and changed the sub JobDone accordingly more crashes after months of headaches! Thank you @DonManfred

Regarding the Job.Release should i call it ONLY after job.success=TRUE or can i call it also if job.success=FALSE?
For example in the following code should i place Job.Release in Position 1 or in Position 2?

Sub JobDone (Job AsHttpJob)
If Job.JobName="Pippo"Then
 If Job.Success = True Then
    Dim result AsString
    result = Pippo.GetString
  Job.Release 'Position 1 (Executed only if Job.Success = true)
  End if
Job.Release 'Position 2 (Executed even if Job.Success = false)
End If
End Sub

Thank you!
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just before the End Sub.

If you extend the if job.jobname with other checks the release will be working fine for all of them.

Also encapsulate the code with TRY/CATCH or your app might crash when time outs or other weirdness occurs.
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