I have some problem with httputils2 and basic authentication.
First when I call the .download method for a HttpJob the first connection is made without authentication and only on a second call the connection is ok (see the server log at bottom).
And why I can not make a GET call with the chance to change the http header?
job1.GetRequest.SetContentType("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
job1.GetRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0")
job1.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "basic FEWSREWTREWTWT
I attach a very simple demo.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
with url "http://emea.extenua.com:888/root/Auth"
********** 1° request --> NO BASIC AUTH *******************
GET /root/Auth
Host: emea.extenua.com:888
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: mORMot_session_signature=3CA90EC9
Cookie2: $Version=1
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Server: mORMot/1.18.1204 (Windows) Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
X-Powered-By: Synopse mORMot 1.18.1204 http://synopse.info
Server-InternalState: 16
Accept-Encoding: synlz,gzip
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="mORMot Server"
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:11:02 GMT
Content-Length: 50
********** 2 request --> BASIC AUTH *******************
GET /root/Auth
Authorization: Basic aW5mb0BndWlkb3NvZnQuY29tOmV4dGVudWE=
Host: emea.extenua.com:888
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: mORMot_session_signature=3CA90EC9
Cookie2: $Version=1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: mORMot_session_signature=3CA90EC8; Path=/root
Server: mORMot/1.18.1204 (Windows) Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
X-Powered-By: Synopse mORMot 1.18.1204 http://synopse.info
Server-InternalState: 16
Accept-Encoding: synlz,gzip
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:11:04 GMT
Content-Length: 54
{"result":1017712328,"logonname":"[email protected]"}
First when I call the .download method for a HttpJob the first connection is made without authentication and only on a second call the connection is ok (see the server log at bottom).
And why I can not make a GET call with the chance to change the http header?
job1.GetRequest.SetContentType("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
job1.GetRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0")
job1.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "basic FEWSREWTREWTWT
I attach a very simple demo.
Sub bLogin_Click
Dim s_user, s_password As String
s_user = "[email protected]"
s_password= "zzzzzzzz"
Dim job1 As HttpJob
job1.initialize("Authentication", Me)
' with this url all ok (the 1° first connection hasn't then basic authentication
' with this url I failed alway
job1.Username = s_user
job1.Password = s_password
'job1.GetRequest.SetContentType("application/json; charset=UTF-8")
'job1.GetRequest.SetHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:27.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/27.0")
'job1.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "basic FEWSREWTREWTWT")
End Sub
Help would be greatly appreciated.
with url "http://emea.extenua.com:888/root/Auth"
********** 1° request --> NO BASIC AUTH *******************
GET /root/Auth
Host: emea.extenua.com:888
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: mORMot_session_signature=3CA90EC9
Cookie2: $Version=1
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Server: mORMot/1.18.1204 (Windows) Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
X-Powered-By: Synopse mORMot 1.18.1204 http://synopse.info
Server-InternalState: 16
Accept-Encoding: synlz,gzip
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="mORMot Server"
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:11:02 GMT
Content-Length: 50
********** 2 request --> BASIC AUTH *******************
GET /root/Auth
Authorization: Basic aW5mb0BndWlkb3NvZnQuY29tOmV4dGVudWE=
Host: emea.extenua.com:888
Connection: Keep-Alive
Cookie: mORMot_session_signature=3CA90EC9
Cookie2: $Version=1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: mORMot_session_signature=3CA90EC8; Path=/root
Server: mORMot/1.18.1204 (Windows) Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
X-Powered-By: Synopse mORMot 1.18.1204 http://synopse.info
Server-InternalState: 16
Accept-Encoding: synlz,gzip
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 14:11:04 GMT
Content-Length: 54
{"result":1017712328,"logonname":"[email protected]"}
Last edited: