Android Question HttpUtils2 error message Not Found


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Longtime User
Using httpUtils2, I'm attempting to communicate with google maps and also their translation API.

Posting to google maps with:

sURL=''" & sAddr & "&sensor=false" Job1.Initialize("Job1",Me)

works perfectly.

However when posting to google for a translation:

sURL="" & sMyKey & _
"&source=es&target=en&q=" & sText

the Job returns with an error message of "Not Found".

Both URLs work within a browser, but I can't resolve why one works and the other doesn't.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


Licensed User
Longtime User
I know this is old, but this change just worked for me - but why??? I've had code which has worked for a LONG time and then suddenly one Poststring request refused to work but another was fine.. I'm suspecting some kind of 'agent' thing - as I couldn't see the same page source information I was interrogating as my Desktop browsers.. Somehow it was being sent to a different page source.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Actually the above isn't quite true - the feed has changed... curse them! It is 'sort of' switched off sometimes - it responds to Desktop browser requests all the time as I expect but the mobile ones seem to be a bit flakey...

Very odd!
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