I am experiencing a problem downloading product images.
Our solution uses images from a website located at a URL path that ends in the item number. There are thousands of item numbers and images and we don't know in advance if the image actually exists at the provided path as we don't manage the images.
The majority of calls to download a product image succeed without issue. However, there are cases which nothing exists at the provided path.
In a case where nothing exists at the URL path, one of two things happens. Sometimes, the try catch statements around the block of code setting the image in JobDone, fires and there are no issues; a placeholder image indicating the image could not be found is loaded. However, sometimes, even when downloading the same image, there is some issue and the application closes with a message indicating the application stopped working.
I have attempted to debug the issue, however, the debugger does not fire; the issue may be in an async process that does not handle it in a way the debugger can catch, of course there may be other explanations to the issue as well. It seems the issue is in the HttpJob or HttpUtils2 itself.
We are trying to keep the the application from closing if an image is not there. There are try catches in the JobDone sub, as well as a check too see if the HttpJob was successful (200....) Please provide feedback on how we may resolve the issue. I can look over HttpJob or HttpUtils2 if required. I know they used to be modules where we could see the code. Any feedback is welcome.
Thanks for your time! Boa
Our solution uses images from a website located at a URL path that ends in the item number. There are thousands of item numbers and images and we don't know in advance if the image actually exists at the provided path as we don't manage the images.
The majority of calls to download a product image succeed without issue. However, there are cases which nothing exists at the provided path.
In a case where nothing exists at the URL path, one of two things happens. Sometimes, the try catch statements around the block of code setting the image in JobDone, fires and there are no issues; a placeholder image indicating the image could not be found is loaded. However, sometimes, even when downloading the same image, there is some issue and the application closes with a message indicating the application stopped working.
I have attempted to debug the issue, however, the debugger does not fire; the issue may be in an async process that does not handle it in a way the debugger can catch, of course there may be other explanations to the issue as well. It seems the issue is in the HttpJob or HttpUtils2 itself.
We are trying to keep the the application from closing if an image is not there. There are try catches in the JobDone sub, as well as a check too see if the HttpJob was successful (200....) Please provide feedback on how we may resolve the issue. I can look over HttpJob or HttpUtils2 if required. I know they used to be modules where we could see the code. Any feedback is welcome.
Thanks for your time! Boa