Human Resource Machine


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Longtime User
I do love this game. It challenges you to write the shortest code and the fastest code (sometimes with the same code), or simply a working code if you don't want to get trophies. It's clearly for nerds like me, and it's of course easier for devs, but surprisingly the notes on Steam are extremely high. Why did I never realize that programming a Max function or a multiplication by 40 in a low level language can be turned into a game? The language is not the problem in fact, only the logic. Brilliant idea!


Licensed User
Longtime User
indeed it is a very nice game and the graphics are also very cool.

i saw such a concept in ios and i wanted to make a game similar to this.
i think puzzle games are the most downloaded games in the market so it is
definitely something i would like to do. (create nice puzzle games)

An Schi

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Came home a little drunk tonight cause wife and kids are away for some days. Was in the mood for a little game and remembered this topic.

Download-advice! Realy cool!
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