I am giving away a simple voice processing board


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Hi guys,
I have a number of voice boards left over from a customer's order. I designed the board and produced it when I was in China.
The board will accept continuous speech and output logic "1" or "0" on a specified pin.

1- while uttering a word, the pin output will be high (logic "1")
2- During short silences between words, the pin will be low (logic "0")
3- Another pin will output the voice frequency in square wave (digital pulses)
3- Serial interface: NO

Anyone interested pm me.

The number of boards are limited.


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Longtime User
no serial interface means that it still can be read out with an IOIO board in front of it?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi sorex,
I believe that's possible because the length of the signal on the first pin is very very slow.. (300 to 1000 ms)
or the length of the word and that of the silence.. but I am not sure if you can poll the voice frequency on pin 2
using ioio.. you need a frequency much higher that the signal frequency to poll it accurately.


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