I get ERROR while making xml file for small test LIBRARY


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I tried to make basic B4A Library Following the Video Tutorial in how to create a library with following small java code as a test which suppose to give the result of multiplying two numbers , i created the jar file for the class as test.jar, But when i tried to create the XML file "generate java doc" i always get AN ERROR. , i am using Eril's custom Doclet and have this string as a PATH:

this is the java code for small java class:

package com.tst1.tst1;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.ShortName;

public class test {

public int multiply(int x) {
return x*3;


javadoc: error - No packages or classes specified.

I tried to follow the video step by step but i keep getting the ERROR ,why am i getting this error?

i am not good at java specially for android i mean programming android using ecilpse for android is complicated not eclipse but android java is, but with Basic4Android its much easier,

Any Help will be Appreciated.


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Longtime User
well i got it Solved, it turn out to be that to generate javadoc the string need to have one space as follows:

-b4atarget "c:\b4atestlib\test.xml"

between -b4atarget AND "c:\b4atestlib\test.xml" WE NEED TO HAVE ONE SPACE.

When i was getting the error i had the string as follows :

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