B4A Library I introduce My Library ICOSLibrary

I introduce My Library ICOSLibrary new new new

Hi to everybody i Fixed some little Bug.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

please download just the library again.

Hello to everybody i'm back with my ICOSLibrary.

now it's divided in 12 pieces and all in one.

1: ICOSLibrary - include all libraries

2: ICOSImage
3: ICOSMusicPlayer
4: ICOSPhone
5: ICOSSeekBar
6: ICOSTextToSpeech
7: ICOSStrings

8: ICOSFadeAnimation
9: ICOSFlip3DView
10: ICOSSlideAnimation
11: ICOSTitleBarAnimation

12: ICOSRotateAnimation has 2 more effects:

13: ICOSScaleAnimation has 10 more effects:


please download it again and anjoy it.

Best Regards


  • ICOSFadeAnimation.zip
    155.3 KB · Views: 1,487
  • ICOSFlip3DView.zip
    209.3 KB · Views: 1,287
  • ICOSRotateAnimation.zip
    157.7 KB · Views: 1,242
  • ICOSScaleAnimation.zip
    157.7 KB · Views: 1,183
  • ICOSSlideAnimation.zip
    158.1 KB · Views: 1,312
  • ICOSTitleBarAnimation.zip
    159.8 KB · Views: 1,184
  • ICOSSeekBar.zip
    152.8 KB · Views: 1,283
  • ICOSPhone.zip
    189.8 KB · Views: 1,517
  • ICOSMusicPlayer.zip
    38.6 KB · Views: 1,255
  • ICOSGraphics.zip
    143.2 KB · Views: 1,294
  • ICOSTextToSpeech.zip
    41.1 KB · Views: 1,146
  • Library.zip
    259.8 KB · Views: 2,326
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Well-Known Member
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Thank you for very useful libraries. Here my opinions:

1. ICOSMusicPlayer example doesn't work because you forget to add audio file.
2. I try LedOnOff from ICOSPhone on my HTC Sensation XE but it doesn't work.
3. ICOSPhone library does start the camera but how to get image after take picture?


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hi susu

for ICOSMusicPlayer you have to put in your sdcard or Use PlayMusicFromAsset and then put somefile.mp3 in File's drawer for the other staff work well to my samsung galaxy tab 7, I have only this.

for the camera, it just open the camera and then u make a photo.

anyway thanks for choosing my library I will make sure to fix these bugs.
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One question: How can I know when an animation finished? Does it have any event like AnimationEnd?

Edit 1: Fount it :D

Edit 2: It seems not work. My example code:

Sub Globals
Dim a As ICOSAnimation
Dim Button1 As Button
End Sub

Sub b9_Click
End Sub

Sub a_animationend
ToastMessageShow("Done", False)
End Sub

No toast message after button1 flip.
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Active Member
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Thank you for this library, it will be very useful.

I have only tried out the Graphics and Animate_view_3 examples so far but here is some feedback:

1. Having complimentary animations is very nice (eg ScaleToBottom and ScaleToTop. This was an annoying limitation of the current B4A animation library.

2. Regarding the examples, they should be scaled for small phones so they can be run without modification. The view 3 example also still uses animend event instead of the correct animationend.

3. The xml for the animation library sometimes lists duration as long and sometimes as int. Duration seems to be in integer seconds. Duration should be millisecs and all fields a long to enable fine tuning of the animations.

4. The library is a bit too large. Is it possible to break this into two or three separate libraries? B4A does not remove 'dead code' from libraries and not all programs that use animation need a music player or phone functions. The lack of 'smart' linkers to remove unused code seems to be a general Java issue. The Java version require a lot of hand holding hence it is better to have small libraries.

I am looking forward to trying the other functions. This library seems to work very well so far.

kind regards,



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Hi Bluejay, Thank you for the compliments dont consider the animend It was just a test.

I forgot to delete it from the examples.

for the library u r right is to big i'll divide in 2 - 3 parts.

then try the seekbar library u can add the graphics to the cursor and the progressbar

Thank you so much, to decided to use my library

From Giuseppe Salvi.


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Hi Salvi, I got 2 questions:
1. How can I apply effect on a selected area of a picture?
2. Could you please add an animation to make a picture flip from back side to front side? For example: flip a playing card.

Thank you for your useful libraries.


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Hi Salvi, I can't use ScaleCentreOut/ScaleCentreIn in Animation View library. My code:

Dim a As ICOSAnimation
Dim l1 As ImageView

a.ScaleCentreOut("a", 2)

I got this error when compile:
javac 1.6.0_21
src\giuseppe\salvi\animation_view_3\main.java:237: inconvertible types
found : int
required: android.view.View
1 error

Could you please check it again? And can you do me a favor? I need an animation to scale a view. For example: scale a small playing card to fit the screen. I tried ScaleCenter from Erel's Animation library but it keep resize the view to original size after the scale animation complete :BangHead:
Once again, thank you so much!


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Hi Salvi, I can't use ScaleCentreOut/ScaleCentreIn in Animation View library. My code:

Dim a As ICOSAnimation
Dim l1 As ImageView

a.ScaleCentreOut("a", 2)

I got this error when compile:

Could you please check it again? And can you do me a favor? I need an animation to scale a view. For example: scale a small playing card to fit the screen. I tried ScaleCenter from Erel's Animation library but it keep resize the view to original size after the scale animation complete :BangHead:
Once again, thank you so much!
Hi susu of cours u get an error.

in a.StartAnim(imageview) or any view and not a number


Dim a As ICOSAnimation
Dim l1 As ImageView

a.ScaleCentreOut("a", 2)
a.StartAnim(l1) l1 not 11
check good and let me know thx

explane me good wath u really wont and i'll do ciao.
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Oh my bad eyes... :D You're right. It works like a charm. But I need something like:
a.ScaleCenter("a", FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, Duration, view)

Hope I explained it clearly :D


Well-Known Member
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Oh my bad eyes... :D You're right. It works like a charm. But I need something like:
a.ScaleCenter("a", FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, Duration, view)

Hope I explained it clearly :D

if u r looking for ScaleCenter("a", FromX, FromY, ToX, ToY, Duration, view)

u can use the Erel's Animation.

let me know ciao.


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Did you read my post #12? Erel's ScaleCenter scale up the view and then scale it down to original size so it's useless to my project :(


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Could you change Duration to milliseconds like Erel's library?

I have a lot of animations that run in 500 msec so durations in seconds is not very useful.
