
Licensed User
Longtime User
The first is true by 50%. The banks know where you spend your money but not how unless they get some help from the supermarkets. But no one should worry. We submitted ourselves to the rest 50% with Social networks/media, GMail/Yahoo (ever wondered why the hell they give you such much space and there is not a mass deletion option for the free accounts - for Google Workplace there is), on-line stores and last but the opposite of least Smart Phones. With this said I have to wonder who is smarter, us or our smart phones?

P.S. Isn't the lack of mass deletion in Gmail/Yahoo against GDPR?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
After Googling a lot it is proved that Google is as cunning as a fox. There is an option to mass delete messages but it is well hidden to serve two purposes. The everyday user will not find it with a glimpse of an eye and it gets Google out of trouble in relation with GDPR. Here is what has to be done:

1) Open GMAIL in browser in pc
2) in the search box type: is:unread and search.
3) Click on select all checkbox above the checkboxes of the e-mails. It will select the fifty of the page
4) Now above the e-mails must have appeared a link which says "Select all e-mails matching......."
5) Click on it and then select the bucket button to delete all the matching messages
6) I suppose you will have to do the same with is:read search.
7) I have seen this in a video and haven't tried it yet to be sure it actually is working any more.
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