I wish I invested in Google


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Today Google's shares closed at over $1000, earlier in the day reached $1011 per share.

Apple's shares are roughly half the price, and people believe Apple is a better company to invest?, hmmmmm, what do you think?



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Back in 1998, who would have known...


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Pricewise you need to look at Market Cap as opposed to SP.

Of course there was always Microsoft to invest in, back in the day.

Then again there's RIM and Nokia...!


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Percentage is all that counts not share price. A million invested in $1 shares is the same as a million invested in $1000 shares. Note that Apple made its investors 2.45% today whereas Google only made them .80%


Licensed User
Longtime User
Percentage is all that counts not share price. A million invested in $1 shares is the same as a million invested in $1000 shares. Note that Apple made its investors 2.45% today whereas Google only made them .80%
The value of the share doesnt matter at all.
If you buy shares at $0.5 and sell them at $1.0 you double your money.

EDIT: According to this graph google actually LOST investors 0.80% not made them.


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Yeah, well that ship has sailed, time to look forwards, not backwards :)


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Sneaky Ian has already seeded B4a as the next best thing since sliced bread.

See my other post :) sneaky.. yep, but fun too.