Wish I would like to find all my bookmarks without having to search for them file by file


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Longtime User
Often I am working on a task that touches many different files of the same project, or I have some unrelated ToDo tasks that I need to complete that are located in various files of a project.

It was a bummer when I discovered that B4A v5 didn't support bookmarks because I use that functionality a lot for my other projects in VB6/VB.NET.

So, I was happy to see bookmark support added to B4A v6.3, but I soon discovered I could only jump between bookmarks in the same file and couldn't navigate to bookmarks in other files using Next/Previous bookmark actions.

Please add support for cross-file bookmark jumping so I can have bookmarks at all my desired points in a project and I can navigate through them ALL without having to manually switch to EVERY file in my project to see if it has any bookmarks in it.
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