There are various color formats in our code (RGB, Int, String, Hex, Octal etc.
It would be very helpful if right-clicking on a color code and selecting the Color picker would initialize the picker to the selected color.
right clicking "#00FF00" or 0X00ff00 or RGB(0, 255, 0) or ARBG(255, 0 255, 0) would all show green as selected in the Color picker.
I can easily recognize green but mixed colors require a bit of work.
It would be very helpful if right-clicking on a color code and selecting the Color picker would initialize the picker to the selected color.
right clicking "#00FF00" or 0X00ff00 or RGB(0, 255, 0) or ARBG(255, 0 255, 0) would all show green as selected in the Color picker.
I can easily recognize green but mixed colors require a bit of work.