B4R Question If receivenumber=1 then use in next IF the number - If mydevice1=36 then...


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Dear friends,

please for advice. It is possible to do simpliest code than this?
If receivecode=1 then
 if mydevice1=56 then "start"
 if mydevice1=153 then "stop"
End if

If receivecode=2 then
 if mydevice2=56 then "start"
 if mydevice2=153 then "stop"
 End if 

It is possible to write with B4R something like...

if mydevice(receivecode)=56 then "start"
if mydevice(receivecode)=153 then "stop"

Please for advice,
best regards

William Lancee

Well-Known Member
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Sure, just add Subs below and remove QUOTES
Sub start
    '... code to start what you want
End Sub

Sub stop
    '... code to stop what you want
Edn Sub

Also make the names a little more specific then "start" and "stop", for example "startCar" and "stopCar", you'll appreciate that later.
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Well-Known Member
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William, thank you for your answer,

but (my bad english) there is another question...
I want put the number from receivecode to the IF condition ....If mydevice(receivecode)=56 then something

Is here the way?
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William Lancee

Well-Known Member
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I assume that you have two devices and that

    Dim mydevices(2) As Int
    'mydevices(0) = 56 Or 153 set by either by a direct assignment or by a Subroutine
    'mydevices(1) = 56 Or 153 set by either by a direct assignment or by a Subroutine

    'Then you use
    If mydevices(receivecode) = 56 then
    Else If mydevices(receivecode) = 153 then
    End If
    Select mydevices(receivecode)
        Case 56
        Case 153
    End Select
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William Lancee

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
There are a few important differences between B4R and other B4X products, but the language syntax is the same.
I recommend the Booklets by Klaus (see Documentation at the top of this screen), in particular...

B4X Getting Started - This booklet explains how to start with each B4X product (B4A, B4i, B4J and B4R).
B4X Basic Language - This booklet explains the Basic Language for B4A, B4i, B4J and B4R.
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