II've an easy java library to acces to a rfid reader for android that uses the jack
Here you have the sdk that is the doc library (2 pages) and a eclipse app for android
SDK: http://nexqo.com/SDK/SPLUS/
Th library is very easy and i only need to implement the open, close, and readepc, stopReadEPC and IvrJackStatus methods and also the Event onConnect onDisconnect, onStatusChange and onInventory events.
Does anybody want to do that work?
I'll pay the job
II've an easy java library to acces to a rfid reader for android that uses the jack
Here you have the sdk that is the doc library (2 pages) and a eclipse app for android
SDK: http://nexqo.com/SDK/SPLUS/
Th library is very easy and i only need to implement the open, close, and readepc, stopReadEPC and IvrJackStatus methods and also the Event onConnect onDisconnect, onStatusChange and onInventory events.
Does anybody want to do that work?
I'll pay the job