B4J Question Index and Value in type Options - PreferencesDialog


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I want to use Options in PreferencesDialog which apect list. How can I add list with exact index from ms sql table (Options list need to contains f.e. DepartmentID and DeparmentName); user will pick the DeparmentName and system should writte DeparmentID in sql table...

I cann fullfill Options list with Sql quiry (from ms Sql db), but I receive list with all options. I declared custom type - how can I get in Option list just Names, connected behind wiht ID-s:

My Code for fulfil Options list is here:
Example code:
Type Oddelki (Sifra As Int, Naziv As String)
Private listOddelki As List

' click of button ADD
Private Sub btnUredi_Click
    ' fill oddelki
    Wait For (modiDialog.ShowDialog(myData, "OK", "CANCEL")) Complete (Result As Int)
    If Result = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
        ' zapišemo podatke v Sql
    End If

End Sub

' fill mydepartmens
Sub FillOddelki

    Query = "select SifOddelekID, SifOddelekDescription from sifOddelki where isnull(SifOddelekIsDeleted,0) = 0 and isnull(SifOddelekIsNonActive,0) = 0 order by sifOddelekId desc"
    Dim rs As ResultSet = Main.MsSql.ExecQuery(Query)
    Do While rs.NextRow
        listOddelki.Add(CreateListOddelki(rs.GetInt("SifOddelekID"), rs.GetString("SifOddelekDescription")))
    ' fill modify dialog - options = Oddelek
    modiDialog.SetOptions("Oddelek", listOddelki)
    End sub
' createlist of deparments
Sub CreateListOddelki(Sifra As Int, Naziv As String) As Oddelki
    Dim odd As Oddelki
    odd.Sifra = Sifra
    odd.Naziv = Naziv
    Return odd
End Sub
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