New Member
hello, so i made this little piece of code, but in the last dialog, the number dialog, whatever i type in in the first 2 inputdialogs, it always shows: "Okay, -1 -1 Set Password"
Please help
Sub makenewbutton_Click
Dim nameinput As InputDialog
Dim name As String
name = nameinput.Show("name?", "insert name", "Ok", "", "", Null)
Dim surnameinput As InputDialog
Dim surname As String
surname = surnameinput.Show("surname?", "insert surname", "Ok", "", "", Null)
Dim nd As NumberDialog
Dim pass As Long
nd.Digits = 4
nd.Number = 0000
nd.Decimal = 0
nd.ShowSign = False
pass = nd.Show("Okay, " & name & surname & " Set Password", "Ok", "Cancel", "", Null)
End Sub
Please help
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