I wanted to ask if you can have some examples to insert an image into a blob SqlLite DB on an online server. Using a PHP script that resident on the site and for now I can enter the data correctly, but I do not know how to deal with a blob field ...
I wanted to ask if you can have some examples to insert an image into a blob SqlLite DB on an online server. Using a PHP script that resident on the site and for now I can enter the data correctly, but I do not know how to deal with a blob field ...
Sub ExecuteRemoteQuery1(JobName As String, Valore As Int, campo1 As String, campo2 As String, campo3 As String, campo4 As String, campo5 As String, campo6 As String, campo7 As String, campo8 As String, campo9 As String, campo10 As String, campo11 As String, campo12 As String, campo13 As String, campo14 As String, campo15 As String, campo16 As String)
'query di inserimento dati nel database on line
Dim job As HttpJob
Dim MySQL1 As String
job.Initialize(JobName, Me)
MySQL1="INSERT INTO PianteMappate VALUES (" & Valore & ",'" & campo1 & "','" & campo2 & "','" & campo3 & "','" & campo4 & "','" & campo5 & "','"
MySQL1=MySQL1 & campo6 & "','" & campo7 & "','" & campo8 & "','" & campo9 & "','" & campo10 & "','"
MySQL1=MySQL1 & campo11 & "','" & campo12 & "','" & campo13 & "','" & campo14 & "','" & campo15 & "','" & campo16 & "')"
job.PostString("http://xxxxxx.org/DatMappati.php", MySQL1)
End Sub
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