I post here because I'm stuck in a big problem:
this is what the log says:
(SQLiteException) android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near ")": syntax error: , while compiling: INSERT INTO [Clienti] () VALUES ()
this is my code:
and I attached the file that I'm trying to import into the db
please, I don't know what else to try!!!!
this is what the log says:
(SQLiteException) android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near ")": syntax error: , while compiling: INSERT INTO [Clienti] () VALUES ()
this is my code:
Dim su As StringUtils
Dim Table,Table2 As List
Dim Items() As String
If File.Exists(sdRoot, "clienti.csv") = True Then
Table = su.LoadCSV(sdRoot, "clienti.csv", ";")
For i = 0 To Table.Size - 1
Items = Table.Get(i)
Dim m As Map
m.Put("IdCli", Items(0))
m.Put("Ragsoc", Items(1))
m.Put("Indirizzo", Items(2))
m.Put("Cap", Items(3))
m.Put("Localita", Items(4))
m.Put("Prov", Items(5))
m.Put("Telefono", Items(6))
m.Put("Mobile", Items(7))
m.Put("Iniziale", Items(1).SubString2(0,1))
m.Put("Giorno", Items(8))
m.Put("Status", Items(9))
m.Put("Listino", Items(10))
m.Put("CatScm", Items(11))
m.Put("AliIva", Items(12))
DBUtils.InsertMaps(SQL1, "Clienti", Table2)
End If
End If
and I attached the file that I'm trying to import into the db
please, I don't know what else to try!!!!