I have used earlier sample (http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4andr...-connect-android-mysql-database-tutorial.html) for mysql to access my data stored on mysql database and it works perfectly well. Now I am trying to post data using the same approach and accessing the same PHP script which is acting as a webservice. This runs fine without errors but nothing gets into the database table. I need help.
'ExecuteRemoteQuery("insert into table smslog values" & "(" & Address & "," & Body & "," & smsRead & "," & smsdate & "," & smstime & "1"")
ExecuteRemoteQuery("insert into smslog values('0266000059','Test SMS','Read','2012-10-23','10:20PM'",2)
End Sub
Sub ExecuteRemoteQuery(Query As String, TaskId As Int)
Dim req As HttpRequest
req.InitializePost2("", Query.GetBytes("UTF8"))
hc.Execute(req, TaskId)
End Sub
'ExecuteRemoteQuery("insert into table smslog values" & "(" & Address & "," & Body & "," & smsRead & "," & smsdate & "," & smstime & "1"")
ExecuteRemoteQuery("insert into smslog values('0266000059','Test SMS','Read','2012-10-23','10:20PM'",2)
End Sub
Sub ExecuteRemoteQuery(Query As String, TaskId As Int)
Dim req As HttpRequest
req.InitializePost2("", Query.GetBytes("UTF8"))
hc.Execute(req, TaskId)
End Sub