Bug? Integer type casting and maps

Andrew (Digitwell)

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I have various items in a map some of them are ints.

I have found that if you compare 2 items as follows the results do not always work as expected.
Each of the following maps tm and chktm have a key value pair with a name of idTeam and a value of type int.

   if (tm.get("idTeam") = chktm.get("idTeam")) then
      Log("Match found") ' Match is sometimes found but not always
    end if

bit this always works

   private v1,v2 as int
   v1 = tm.get("idTeam")
   v2 = chktm.get("idTeam")
   if (v1 = v2) then
      Log("Match found") ' This always works as expected
    end if

Is this expected behavior with maps?
I'm having to go through all my code and update comparisons.



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Longtime User
Is this expected behavior with maps?
It sompares one OBJECT with another OBJECT (the map does contains Objects.)
It is expected i would say.
In case
tm.get("idTeam") = chktm.get("idTeam")
does work then the values inside the tm Object and the chktm Object (the value inside) are the same objects you added...

Andrew (Digitwell)

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Fair enough, if it is the expected behavior.

It would be great if you could write

(int)tm.get("idTeam") = (int)chktm.get("idTeam")

or some such to force the casting rather than doing the assignments, but now I know, I will code accordingly.




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Longtime User
sub mycheckingsub(in as Map) As Int
dim value as int = in.get("idTeam")
return value
you can write a small helper sub which cast a Object to a int and return the int....
mycheckingsub(tm.get("idTeam")) = mycheckingsub(chktm.get("idTeam"))

Andrew (Digitwell)

Well-Known Member
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Good idea! that feels a bit neater

wouldn't the code be

sub mycheckingsub(in as Object) As Int
dim value as int = in
return value
end sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
wouldn't the code be
then you must send the value from the Object inside the call. Does work too. I suggest to use the map and also give the value you want to return from the map.

Depends on your needs/what is more confortable for you...
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