iOS Question IOS 17.4 finally open market


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Finally we can install on IOS/MAC our APP program whitout licence apple.
there is some news to compile package ?


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The App Store Review Guidelines have been revised to support updated policies, upcoming features, and to provide clarification. We now also indicate which guidelines only apply to Notarization for iOS apps in the European Union.

The following guidelines have been divided into subsections for the purposes of Notarization for iOS apps in the EU:

  • 2.3.1
  • 2.5.16
  • 4.1
  • 4.3
  • 4.6
  • 5.1.4
  • 5.2.4

The following guidelines have been deleted:

  • 2.5.7
  • 3.2.2(vi)
  • 4.2.4
  • 4.2.5
  • 4.4.3

2.5.6: Added a link to an entitlement to use an alternative web browser engine in your app in the EU.

3.1.6: Moved to 4.9.

3.2.2(ii): Moved to 4.10.

4.7: Edited to set forth new requirements for mini apps, mini games, streaming games, chatbots, and plug-ins.

4.8: Edited to require an additional login service with certain privacy features if you use a third-party or social login service to set up or authenticate a user’s primary account.

4.9: The original version of this rule (Streaming games) has been deleted and replaced with the Apple Pay guideline.

5.1.2(i): Added that apps may not require users to enable system functionalities (e.g., push notifications, location services, tracking) in order to access functionality, content, use the app, or receive monetary or other compensation, including but not limited to gift cards and codes. A version of this rule was originally published as Guideline 3.2.2(vi).

After You Submit — Appeals: Edited to add an updated link for suggestions for changes to the Guidelines.

The term “auto-renewing subscriptions” was replaced with “auto-renewable subscriptions” throughout.

View guidelines >

If you have any questions, please contact us.

Apple Developer Relations
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Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Finally we can install on IOS/MAC our APP program whitout licence apple.
there is some news to compile package ?
Are you referring to this? It's not very clear from your post.

Distributing on an alternative app marketplace​

When considering distribution on an alternative app marketplace, developers should evaluate the marketplace’s offering and terms and conditions — including any financial obligations, approval processes and policies, and legal protections — before setting up alternative distribution in App Store Connect. Marketplace apps may only be installed from the marketplace developer’s website.

To authorize an app marketplace to distribute your app, you’ll need to contact the marketplace developer to receive a security token required for alternative distribution. You’ll be able to add and remove marketplaces and select which apps you intend to distribute on each marketplace in App Store Connect.

Using new App Store Connect distribution tools, you’ll be able to easily download your signed binary assets to transfer them directly to a marketplace for distribution. You can also take advantage of new support in the App Store Connect API to let a marketplace retrieve assets from Apple for your apps.

More information about App Store Connect will be available in February.

It looks to me like you'll still have to have a current Apple Developer Progam membership as it appears the only way to distribute an app via an alternative marketplace is to distribute it to iTunes Connect first & then to the alternative marketplace. So you'll still have to pay the $99 per year.

- Colin.
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